Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A List We’re Glad We’re NOT On

Check out Modere’s commitment to safety

There are a lot of lists or documents that you hope you are on, like: santa’s good list, some rich Uncle’s will, the best dressed list, or the VIP list at a club.

We hope Modere is at the top of you and your family’s list. However, there’s one list we’re certainly glad that we’re not on, and that is The Vegetarian Site’s: Lists of Companies That Still Test on Animals.

Don’t worry; we’re not going to play a sappy Sarah McLachlan song for you while showing a puppy pound.

We don’t believe that you have to have Fido as your best friend to feel passionate about not testing on animals. Whether you’re the type that gives your pet smooches, or the type that is allergic to all animals, we hope you’ll agree with us that we don’t feel animal testing is necessary.

Modere is proud to say that our products are not tested on little critters. We know our products are safe because of the care and concern we put into them—we don’t need to be hurting little bunnies to know for sure. 

The extensive documents and proofs we require from our raw ingredient suppliers may drive them crazy, but we know it will give us, and hopefully you, peace of mind at night. Because we formulate and manufacture most of our products from beginning to end, we have the quality and control to make sure that every step of the process is something we, and you, can be proud of.

So, go ahead and take Fido for a walk, feed your goldfish, or pet your turtle. When you come back, we’ll still be here, offering safe products for you and your home.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dowload The Free Modere App Today

Do all your shopping on your phone in seconds and keep up with your rewards.
To reorder products fast, just visit your favorite list or scan the Bar Code on your Favorite Modere products.
Use code 815391 after downloading app for $25 off first order and start earning rewards today!

The Shift Is Here

For Customers who want to save $25 off first order and start earning rewards!
For Driven Individuals who want to become Social Marketers and start making a great income!
For Customers who want to try the Beauty Box, Try It Before You Buy It!
For any more information or to set up a video chat!

5 Simple Steps to More Radiant Skin

5 Simple Steps to More Radiant Skin

Have you ever wondered how to get Jennifer Aniston’s glow? How about the youthful appearance of Demi Moore? If you long for healthy, smooth, more radiant skin, the key may lie in exfoliating.

As skin ages, the rate of skin cell turnover slows down. The result? A dull, lifeless complexion. A gentle, yet effective exfoliant can help rid skin of dead cells, making your skin appear more radiant and smooth.

Exfoliating doesn’t take a rocket-science degree – it only takes the right product and a quick 5 minutes. Modere’s Exfoliant is perfect for a gentle, yet effective exfoliant by combining three natural ingredients – prickly pear, bamboo, and jojoba. The ingredients work together to sweep away dead skin cells, without harsh scrubbing.
  1. Start with a small amount of Exfoliant.
  2. Gently work into your face using wet fingertips. Be careful to avoid the eye area.
  3. Use light pressure and work gently in small, circular motions.
  4. Rinse thoroughly
  5. Then cleanse.
Repeat this routine two to three times a week to clean the deep, hidden dirt from your pores and rejuvenate your skin.

Visit to get on your way to radiant skin and shop Modere!

A How-To Guide of Being a Mōdere Man


Stylish. Safe. Smart.
That’s the defining ethos of Modere. We make products that define and simplify the modern lifestyle. We make products that improve and innovate. We make products that inspire. Modere is, simply put, more than a brand.

We are a lifestyle.

Our new Men’s Line is an extension of that lifestyle we epitomize. Take a few tips and hints from us gentleman on what it means to be a Modere Man. Here’s what a typical daily agenda would look like, inspiration of Modere.

Saving Your Clothes and Your Machine: Pods to the Rescue!

At Modere, we value enthusiasm and love ourselves some go-getters.   Killin’ it at the gym?  High five.  Exceeding expectations at work?  Fist bump.
But, may we ask you to calm it down in just one, teeny-tiny area of your life?  That area would be your laundry room.
A Wall Street Journal article says that many Americans have a chronic habit of feeding their machines far too much laundry soap.  Your machine needs far less than you’d think.  In fact, another article says that if detergent builds up in your poor, abused machine that it can lead to “mold, odors and bacteria…too much soap can clog filters and ports, causing the machine to break down eventually.”  Plus, too much detergent can make clothes dingy.
We’re not into that tomfoolery of tricking you.  We’re not going to give you a bag of powdered laundry, or a drum of liquid soap and hope you use a lot just to increase our sales.  (Not to mention…who can ever find those darn scoops anyways?  And, we all know how much you love the gloppy liquid caps that have to be used over and over again.)  We’re looking out for you, your fabulously styled clothes, and your machine.
So, let us measure your laundry soap for you.
We have these handy laundry pods that are pre-measured and don’t require any scooping or pouring. Simply grab one and toss it in with your clothes.
We also happen to have fragrance free, as well as a delicious lavender with vanilla.  For further awesomeness, our laundry pods shun phosphates, dyes, chlorine, and NPE.
These pods pretty much do everything.  However, if you end up needing a 10-step program to help your overdosing of laundry soap it can’t do that.
For a limited time, buy 3 Fragrance Free Dishwasher Pod containers and Get 1 Free + Free Shipping!
Create a free account for this awesome deal and save $25 by clicking this link!